Rational sequence
Frank Atanassow
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 19:46:16 +0200
Frank Atanassow wrote (on 22-10-02 15:08 +0200):
> Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote (on 22-10-02 13:05 +0200):
> > What do you think, what
> > is the Rational form of 2.3 ? (GHCi says 23/10).
> >
> > The answer is:
> >
> > 2589569785738035 % 1125899906842624
> Er, why?
> Because 2.3 is not representable using a double precision float or something?
Oh, sorry. I understand Jerzy to be saying that that big long fraction was the
result that he _wanted_, but instead the opposite seems to be true.
That explains things. :)