newbie question re linear algebra in Haskell

Christopher Milton
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 06:03:59 -0800 (PST)

--- Keith Wansbrough <> wrote:
> > I'm a complete newcomer to Haskell, having learned about only recently.
> > I'm intrigued by the possibility of  in using it for numerical
> > applications, specifically linear algebra.  I understand that (at least
> > in its present state) Haskell 98 isn't competitive with imperative
> > languages when it comes to primitive matrix-vector operations, which
> > often rely on destructive updating.  It strikes me that one approach
> > that takes advantage of the strengths of both paradigms would be create
> > an imperative subsystem to handle primitive operations, then create a
> > functional matrix algebra layer on top of it.
> [..]
> One thing that comes to mind is Barry Jay's FISh language:
> This compiles code in a functional language with arrays down to C, by using
> "shape inference" to fix the size of all the arrays.
> I believe FFTW (the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West) similarly uses a
> functional programming language to generate imperative (C) code.

Mr. Austin migfht also want to look at some dated modules at

and perhaps at
Matrix Inversion using Quadtrees Implemented in Gofer (1995)
Jeremy D. Frens & David S. Wise

Auto-Blocking Matrix-Multiplication or Tracking BLAS3 Performance from Source
Code (1997)
Jeremy D. Frens & David S. Wise

>From Fast Exponentiation to Square Matrices: An Adventure in Types
Chris Okasaki


Christopher Milton

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