1 line simple cat in Haskell
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 11:25:45 +0000
> main = mapM (>>=putChar) getCharS where getCharS = getChar:getCharS
> How would you suggest to neatly insert the error handling code into ?
-- some suggestions for a little zoo of cats
module Main where
import IO
import Monad
main0 = interact id
main1 = getContents >>= putStr
main2 = untilEOF (getChar>>=putChar)
catchEOF io = catch io (\e->unless (IO.isEOFError e) (ioError e))
untilEOF io = catchEOF (sequence_ $ repeat io)
main = main2
PS. I haven't kept up to date with buffering issues,
and hugs/ghci may not like this kind of code..