showsPrec: cui bono?
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 14:41:29 +0000
> has anybody here used in a non-trivial way the showsPrec anti-parser?
Isn't the idea to make things trivial while avoiding performance
penalties? Perhaps: simple pretty-printing of abstract syntax trees?
I often use it to get simple debugging output for complex internal
data structures (first, use deriving; then, define showsPrec; if
that's still not good enough, do some real thinking..).
Anyway, this reminded me of a litte old hack of mine. Only trivial
use of showsPrec, but perhaps you'll like it anyway?-)
As with anything else in my toolbox, no warranty for nothing..
------------------- cut here
Representative thingies..
A little hack to pair values with string representations
of their expressions. Useful if you want to explain what
map (+1) [1..4] or foldr1 (*) [1..5]
do, or if you want to demonstrate the difference between
foldr (+) 0 [1..4] and foldl (+) 0 [1..4]
Load this module into Hugs (Hugs mode) and type in some of
these examples to get an idea of what I mean. Also try
map (+) [1..4]
This could be extended in various directions, but I wanted to
keep things simple. I'm not convinced that extra complications
would be worth the effort.
Claus Reinke
default (R Integer)
data R a = R {rep:: String
,val:: a
instance Show (R a) where
showsPrec _ a = showString (rep a)
instance Show (R a -> R b) where
showsPrec _ f = showString ("\\x->"++(rep (f x)))
x = R{rep="x",val=error "variable"}
instance Show (R a -> R b -> R c) where
showsPrec _ f = showString ("\\x y->"++(rep (f x y)))
x = R{rep="x",val=error "variable"}
y = R{rep="y",val=error "variable"}
lift1 op a = R {rep="("++(rep op)++" "++(rep a)++")"
,val= ( (val op) (val a) )
lift2 op a b = R {rep="("++(rep op)++" "++(rep a)++" "++(rep b)++")"
,val= ( (val op) (val a) (val b) )
lift2infix op a b = R {rep="("++(rep a)++" "++(rep op)++" "++(rep b)++")"
,val= ( (val a) `iop` (val b) )
iop = val op
instance (Num a,Show a) => Num (R a) where
(+) = lift2infix R{rep="+",val=(+)}
(-) = lift2infix R{rep="-",val=(-)}
(*) = lift2infix R{rep="*",val=(*)}
negate = lift1 R{rep="-",val=negate}
fromInteger a = (\fIa->R{rep=show fIa,val=fIa}) (fromInteger a)
instance (Eq a,Num a) => Eq (R a) where
a == b = (val a) == (val b)
instance (Ord a,Num a) => Ord (R a) where
a <= b = (val a) <= (val b)
instance (Enum a,Num a,Show a) => Enum (R a) where
fromEnum = fromEnum.val
toEnum a = R{rep=show a,val=toEnum a}
enumFrom x = map toEnum [fromEnum x..] -- missing in Hugs Prelude..