convering Fds to Handles
Sebastien Carlier
Fri, 17 May 2002 10:27:56 +0200
>> I have had problems with pipes and runProcess, now I am using
>> forkProcess/executeFile/getProcessStatus and it works properly.
> Non-lazy IO presumably? Do you have an example you can show?
---_%--- cut here ---_%---
module Main where
import IO
import Posix
import System
main =3D
do (ri, wi) <- createPipe
(ro, wo) <- createPipe
rih <- fdToHandle ri
woh <- fdToHandle wo
runProcess "/bin/cat" [] Nothing Nothing (Just rih) (Just woh)=20=
wih <- fdToHandle wi
hPutStrLn wih (replicate 10000 'a')
roh <- fdToHandle ro
cs <- hGetContents roh
fdClose wi
putStrLn (show $ length cs)
---_%--- cut here ---_%---
I am using GHC 5.03 from the HEAD (May 12 2002), on MacOS X.
Older versions of GHC on Linux exhibit the same behavior.
> localhost% ghc -o foo -package posix Main.hs
> localhost% ./foo
> /bin/cat: stdin: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 8192
> localhost%
It seems that the output is truncated to some buffer size, and I =
get rid of the error message.
If you set up the file descriptors yourself (using dupTo, fdClose,
forkProcess, and executeFile as appropriate), it seems to works
better (no error message, and no limit on input/ouput size).
Is runProcess broken? Or does the above example abuse its power?