Simple Question
Jerry, JiJie
Thu, 16 May 2002 21:33:52 +0800
Hi, enlightenment much appreciated for my newbie question --
to achieve:
append' [ [1, 2], [3, 4], [5] ] 6 -> [ [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6] ]
append' [ ['1', '2'], ['3'] ] '4' -> [ ['1', '2'], ['3', '4'] ]
append' [ [True], [True] ] False -> [ [True], [True, False] ]
so I (naively) write:
18) append' :: [[a]] -> a -> [[a]]
19) append' [] y = [[y]]
20) append' x:xs y = [(init x:xs)] ++ [(tail xs)++[y]]
and ghc(5.02.3) says:
$ ghc p3a.hs
p3a.hs:20: Parse error in pattern
thanx in advance!