newbie:: getting random Ints
Andre W B Furtado
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 16:19:21 -0300
the function
randomRIO :: (a,a) -> IO a
defined in module Random gives you a random number between the two input
parameters (including themselves).
-- Andre
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Rooney <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:05 AM
Subject: newbie:: getting random Ints
> hello all,
> total newbie to haskell, armed with "the craft of functional
> programming".
> i can't seem to generate random numbers. i have read this:
> and searched the web and archives, and read thru Random.hs (mostly
> over my head), but have been unable to get any combination of
> getStdRandom randomR, etc. to work. even the example in the 98 report,
> import Random
> rollDice :: IO Int
> rollDice = getStdRandom (randomR (1,6))
> gets me:
> Main> rollDice
> Main>
> after loading the file, which makes me think i'm missing something!
> TCFP has an example of how to do it yourself, but i can see that my
> needs are more than met by Random.hs.
> my various attempts all look a lot like this:
> Main> getStdGen (random 5)
> ERROR - Type error in application
> *** Expression : getStdGen (random 5)
> *** Term : getStdGen
> *** Type : IO StdGen
> *** Does not match : a -> b
> could someone post an example of how to generate random integers
> within a range?
> tia,
> peter
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