Data Tracing in GPH
Ma Changming
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 11:25:31 -0700 (PDT)
Hi there,
Does anyone know how to trace the GPH program to see
the data processed at specific processors?
I'm using gum-4.06, PVM3, RedHat Linux6.2. When I
execute the following QuickSort program, I want to
make sure what happens with different CPUs, i.e., how
the data are partitioned between processors? Is there
any debugging tools to trace the data?
Thanks in advance.
Changming Ma
PS: QuickSort
module Main(main) where
import System(getArgs)
import Parallel
forceList :: [a] -> ()
forceList [] = ()
forceList (x:xs) = x `seq` forceList xs
quicksortF [] = []
quicksortF [x] = [x]
quicksortF (x:xs) =
(forceList losort) `par`
(forceList hisort) `par`
losort ++ (x:hisort)
losort = quicksortF [y|y <- xs, y < x]
hisort = quicksortF [y|y <- xs, y >= x]
args_to_IntList :: [String] -> [Int]
args_to_IntList a = if length a < 1
then error "Parallel Quick Sort: no enough
args \n"
else map read a
main = getArgs >>= \ a ->
l = args_to_IntList a
putStr ("get " ++ (show (quicksortF l))++"\n")
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