Changing a light bulb.
Shawn P. Garbett
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 15:55:53 -0600
Hash: SHA1
Now after my earlier soap box tirade I'm trying to put my code where my mouth
is. >>blush<< It's harder than I thought.
I've broken it down into a State Model of a light bulb. The goal, to find out
just how much Haskell code does it take to change the state of a light bulb?
Here's a very crippled version. Is there an easy way to introduce state
without changing the type of main???
I've written a much more complex example, but I got into things like
main :: STT(IO)
using a monad transformer.
So really, the big question is, must I use a monad transformer?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- State model of a light bulb
import Monad
import IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
process :: IO ()
process = do
i <- assign initialState
putChar '\n'
if (s /= Exit)
then process
else return ()
data State = Dark | Light
initialState :: State
initialState = Dark
data Stimulus = On | Off | Exit
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)
charToStimulus :: Char -> Stimulus
charToStimulus '1' = On
charToStimulus '0' = Off
charToStimulus c = Exit
getStimulus :: IO Stimulus
getStimulus = liftM charToStimulus getChar
- -- State transformer
newtype St a = MkSt (State -> (a, State))
- -- State transformer applied to state
apply :: St a -> State -> (a, State)
apply (MkSt f) s = f s
- -- State monad
instance Monad St where
return x = MkSt f where f s = (x,s)
p >>= q = MkSt f where f s = apply (q x) s'
where (x, s') = apply p s
- -- Useful State operations
fetch :: St State
fetch = MkSt f where f s = (s,s)
assign :: State -> St ()
assign s' = MkSt f where f s = ((),s')
done :: St ()
done = return ()
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
You're in a maze of twisty little statements, all alike.
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