Juan M. Duran
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 11:51:15 -0300 (BRT)
The problem is fixed.
I fixed it using the do notation as Rijk said, it worked perfectly.
Now I got two more problems:
1) Should I use the do notation in order to write this result (type IO
[[Float]]) to a file? How?
2) The Glasglow compiler doesn let me compile one library because I use
the function readFloat (declare in the Prelude of Hugs 98), but Hugs lets
me, why?
On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Keith Wansbrough wrote:
> > I thing that wont works, look:
> > contents :: IO [Char]
> >
> > parser :: Integral a => [Char] -> [a]
> >
> > control :: [Float] -> [[Float]]
> >
> > The two problems are:
> > 1) The input of parser. Doesnt match with the type of input
> > 2) The input of control (or the output of parser). Doesn match
> > with the type of the next function.
> The "do" notation used by Rijk fixes the first problem; you should try it.
> For the second problem, you want to convert an Integral to a Float - but are you sure? Integers aren't floating point numbers!
> If you are sure, then do something like
> main =
> do {
> contents <- input "twoboxes.dat"
> return (control (map fromInteger (parser contents)))
> }
> fromInteger has the type Num a => Integer -> a, and since Num Float and Integral Integer, all your type constraints will be satisfied.
> HTH.
> --KW 8-)
> --
> Keith Wansbrough <>
> University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.