Haskell problem
Tom Pledger
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:16:43 +1300
Mark Wotton writes:
| Hi,
| I'm trying out some combinatorial parsers, and I ran into a slightly
| inelegant construction. To parse a sequence of things, we have a function
| like
| pThen3 :: (a->b->c->d) -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser d
| pThen3 combine p1 p2 p3 toks =
| [(combine v1 v2 v3, toks3) | (v1, toks1) <- p1 toks,
| (v2, toks2) <- p2 toks1,
| (v3, toks3) <- p3 toks2]
| The problem with this is that this structure has to be duplicated for
| pThen2, pThen4, and so on. These other forms are very similar to pThen3,
| but there seems to be no way to capture this in Haskell's type system, as
| the combine function has a different signature for each pThenX. (This is
| actually the first time the Haskell type system has got in my way rather
| than helping.) Is there a way around this problem?
If you can build the list of tokens into the state of your Parser
monad - which would include making Parser a a distinct type instead
of an alias for [Token] -> [(a, Token)] - you could condense pThen3
down to this:
pThen3 combine p1 p2 p3 toks
= do v1 <- p1
v2 <- p2
v3 <- p3
return (combine v1 v2 v3)
which is equivalent to the liftM3 function from the Monad library.
You'd still be stuck with a family of lifting functions, but at least
they're predefined. I don't see any way of getting by with a fixed
number of lifting functions, unless you're willing to clutter the call
infixl 0 `ap`
ap :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
ap = Monad.ap
... Monad.liftM f p1 `ap` p2 `ap` p3 `ap` p4