Parsing date and time specifications
Mark Carroll
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 09:32:31 -0500 (EST)
On 20 Dec 2002, Ketil Z. Malde wrote:
> Since it's almost Christmas, I'd also like a way to specify things
> like "first Tuesday of every month", or "the day before (last Thursday
> of every month)". And a GHC target for my Palm Pilot :-) We could
> build a really cool Cron replacement, and become rich and famous.
That is the slippery end of the wedge - next we'll be wanting standard
library functions for calculating when Easter and Id-ul-Fitr are. (-: The
calendar source code I'd referred to before was indeed written to get all
this type of stuff into my m100 - I type "calendar 2004" or whatever and
hand that to install-datebook. (Is all the world on a seven-day week? I
wonder how that came about.)
-- Mark