Haskell run-time tutorial

Matt Hellige matt@immute.net
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 15:31:24 -0600

[Jonathan Holt <jony42us@yahoo.com>]
> Matt Hellige wrote: 
> > I found the book:
> > 
> > Simon Peyton-Jones and David Lester
> > "Implementing Functional Languages: A Tutorial"
> > Prentice Hall, 1992
> Thanks for the detailed and helpful reply. I've
> already downloaded the book, and from what I've seen
> thus far, it seems to be exactly what I need!

If those pointers are deemed useful, perhaps we should add them to the
wiki? I'm not sure exactly where the revived wiki lives or where this
sort of stuff belongs, but I'd be happy to add it if someone could
point me in the right direction. Alternatively, if someone else wants
to add it...


Matt Hellige                  matt@immute.net