Modification of State Transformer
Shawn P. Garbett
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 09:19:35 -0500
Hash: SHA1
On Sunday 11 August 2002 07:26 pm, Scott J. wrote:
> Hi,
> I invite you then to explain what happens with every step.
> The use of "forall" is misleading and fast to be misunderstood: I mention
> here the inner forall's.
> Thx
> Scott
> > This list is great. The implementation in the ST module solves the
> > problem and I understand how it works.
> >
> > Shawn
Given the level of detailed explanations to date, I don't see the point. But
I'll go ahead and do so anyway, by summarizing what I've learned from the
previous posts.
I had read the example in Bird'd book on state transformers. The definition
of state however was a fixed type in the examples. Wanting to extend the
definition and make it more general I was trying to figure out how to modify
the type.
Bird's definition was:
newtype St a = MkSt (State -> (a,State))
type State = type
I had attempted to extend the type as follows
newtype St a s = MkSt (s -> (a,s))
This died in the compiler when declaring this type as an instance of Monad:
instance Monad St where
return x = MkSt f where f s = (x,s)
p >>= q = MkSt f where f s = apply(q x) s'
where (x,s') = apply p s
ghc returned the following (referencing the instance line):
Couldn't match `*' against `* -> *'
Expected kind: (* -> *) -> *
Inferred kind: (* -> * -> *) -> *
When checking kinds in `Monad St'
In the instance declaration for `Monad St'
When a type constructor has an argument it has a type of `* -> *'.
When a type constructor has two arguments it has a type of `* -> * -> *'.
This construction of the type can be extended to n arguments by having the
number of `->' match the n arguments of type and the `*' be n+1.
The class definition of Monad contains the following:
class Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
So the class of St a s needs reduction from `* -> * -> *' to `* -> *' to fit
the single argument type constructor of the Monad class. By using (St a)
which causes the type constructor to be of type `(* -> *) -> *'. Since `(* ->
*)' can be used as `*', by creation of another type. This because equivalent
to `* -> *'.
The only thing left is reversing the order so that the result type is of the
correct form in the Monad usage. I.e, in my initial ordering the `return' of
the Monad would end up returning something of type `s' which is not
particularly useful, since type `a' is the desired return type from the
So the corrected version of State becomes:
newtype St s a = MkSt (s -> (a, s))
instance Monad (St s) where
Shawn Garbett
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