algebric types and db integration
Tom Pledger
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 09:10:37 +1200
(Warning: this message contains evil SQL. If in doubt, look away now.)
Cagdas Ozgenc writes:
| Hi,
| I am wondering how one would store instances of algebric types in a
| database. For example:
| data Shape = Circle Float | Rectangle Float Float | Triangle Float Float
| Float
| All three constructors are representing different schemas. Hence I
| won't be able to store them in a single table. I think algebric
| types seem to represent an inheritance hierarchy in terms of OO
| terms, Shape being the base class, and Circle, Rectangle, Triangle
| being its subclasses. Is this a correct way of looking at it?
In this case, I think it is. It's fair to say that every circle is a
shape, every rectangle is a shape, and every triangle is a shape.
Some other algebraic types don't translate so well into an inheritance
hierarchy: it's confusing to say that every Just is a Maybe.
See section 4 of the paper
for an example of how to treat a sum type as a supertype of its
| How do you suggest I conceptually map it to a relational database?
If your RDBMS allows you to declare algebraic types or object classes,
that'd be a good way to represent Shape. Then you could use Shape as
a column type.
Otherwise it gets messy. You could denormalise and have overloaded
length columns
create table shape (
shape_id integer not null, primary key (shape_id),
shape_type char(1) not null, check (shape_type in ("C","R","T")),
x1 float not null,
x2 float,
x3 float
or normalise it and have each shape represented by two rows, one in
the generic shape table and one in a more specific table.
create table shape (
shape_id integer not null, primary key (shape_id),
shape_type char(1) not null, check (shape_type in ("C","R","T"))
create table circle (
shape_id integer not null, primary key (shape_id),
foreign key (shape_id) references shape,
radius float not null
create table rectangle (
shape_id integer not null, primary key (shape_id),
foreign key (shape_id) references shape,
width float not null,
height float not null
create table triangle (
shape_id integer not null, primary key (shape_id),
foreign key (shape_id) references shape,
side1 float not null,
side2 float not null,
side3 float not null
IMO these last two approaches are using the wrong tool for the job.
The relational model is great for representing a world view, made up
of statements about objects, but it's not so suitable for the
`subatomic' structure within objects.