HaXml, emeory usage and segmentation fault

Dmitry Astapov adept@umc.com.ua
26 Oct 2001 18:06:01 +0300

I have Hugs version February 2001, HaXml version 1.02 and this program:

> module Main where
> import XmlLib
> main = processXmlWith (invoices `o` tag "invoice")
> invoices =
>   html
>   [ hhead 
>     [ htitle [ ("Invoices"!)] ],
>     hbody 
>     [ customers `o` children `with` tag "customer" ]
>   ]
> customers =
>   cat 
>   [ h2 [ ("Customer"!) ], 
>     contracts `o` children `with` tag "contract"
>   ]
> contracts =
>   cat 
>   [ h3 [  ("Id:"!), ("id"?)],
>     hpara [ ("Access:"!), keep /> txt ] `o` children `with` tag "access",
>     hpara [ ("Intl:"!), keep /> txt] `o` children `with` tag "inter"
>   ] 

This program can process following file:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
    <contract id='1'>
    <contract id='2'>

(I use "runhugs translate.hs invoice.xml invoice.html")

Now increase amount of <customer>s to 10, and amount of <contract>s within
each customer to 999. After that, "runhugs -h6000000 translate.hs
invoice.xml invoice.html" dumps core :(

What's the reason: bug in hugs, bug in HaXml, or my own bad programming

Dmitry Astapov //ADEpt                               E-mail: adept@umc.com.ua
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