Haskell and ASN.1
Steinitz, Dominic J
19 Nov 2001 09:12:26 Z
I have done some work on this with colleagues at Kingston University. Nothing automatic though. There is a translation scheme but you have to define an encode and decode function for each ASN.1 type. I assume you want to use to BER and all that is handled for you. I'm tied up at the moment but I'll try and send you something by the end of the week. I don't think parsing ASN.1 is trivial but if you were thinking of doing an automatic translator I'd be very interested.
adept@umc.com.ua on 19/11/2001 08:55:00
To: haskell-cafe
bcc: Dominic Steinitz
Subject: Haskell and ASN.1
Two keywords mentioned in 'Subject' - does it ring the bell for someone?
Any usefull links? I'm interested in something like Erlang's "asn1"
compiler or snacc/C++ -- that is, I'm looking for translator from ASN.1
layout into native Haskell data type, along with I/O functions.
Seems like pretty easy thing to write myself, though, but I dont want to
reinvent the wheel, if there is any.
Dmitry Astapov //ADEpt E-mail: adept@umc.com.ua
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