Things and limitations...
Tom Pledger
Tue, 15 May 2001 16:50:02 +1200
Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza writes:
| First, about classes of heavily parametric types. Can't be done, I
| believe. At least, I haven't been able to. What I was trying to do (as an
| exercise to myself) was reconverting Graham Hutton and Erik Meijer's
| monadic parser library into a class. Basically, I was trying to convert the
| static:
| ---
| newtype Parser a = P (String -> [(a,String)])
| item :: Parser Char
| force :: Parser a -> Parser a
| first :: Parser a -> Parser a
| papply :: Parser a -> String -> [(a,String)]
| ---
| ---
| class (MonadPlus (p s v)) => Parser p where
| item :: p s v v
| force :: p s v a -> p s v a
| first :: p s v a -> p s v a
| papply :: p s v a -> s -> [(a,s)]
| ---
| I have at home the actual code I tried to make work, so I can't just
| copy/paste it, but it looked something like this. Anyway, this class would
| allow me to define parsers that parse any kind of thing ('s', which was
| 'String' in the original lib), from which you can extract any kind of
| element ('v', which was 'Char') and parse it into arbitrary types (the
| original parameter 'a'). For example, with this you could parse, say, a
| recursive algebraic data structure into something else.
| Nhc98 wouldn't take it. I assume this is NOT proper Haskell. The
| questions are: Is this doable? If so, how? Is this not recommendable? If
| not, why?
I did something similar recently, but took the approach of adding more
parameters to newtype Parser, rather than converting it into a class.
Here's how it begins:
type Indent = Int
type IL a = [(a, Indent)]
newtype Parser a m b = P (Indent -> IL a -> m (b, Indent, IL a))
instance Monad m => Monad (Parser a m) where
return v = P (\ind inp -> return (v, ind, inp))
(P p) >>= f = P (\ind inp -> do (v, ind', inp') <- p ind inp
let (P p') = f v
p' ind' inp')
fail s = P (\ind inp -> fail s)
instance MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (Parser a m) where
mzero = P (\ind inp -> mzero)
(P p) `mplus` (P q) = P (\ind inp -> (p ind inp `mplus` q ind inp))
item :: MonadPlus m => Parser a m a
item = P p
p ind [] = mzero
p ind ((x, i):inp)
| i < ind = mzero
| otherwise = return (x, ind, inp)
This differs from Hutton's and Meijer's original in these regards:
- It's generalised over the input token type: the `a' in
`Parser a m b' is not necessarily Char.
- It's generalised over the MonadPlus type in which the result is
given: the `m' in `Parser a m b' is not necessarily [].
- It's specialised for parsing with a layout rule: there's an
indentation level in the state, and each input token is expected
to be accompanied by an indentation level.
You could try something similar for your generalisations:
newtype Parser ct r = P (ct -> [(r, ct)])
-- ct: collection of tokens, r: result
instance SuitableCollection ct => Monad (Parser ct)
where ...
instance SuitableCollection ct => MonadPlus (Parser ct)
where ...
item :: Collects ct t => Parser ct t
force :: Parser ct r -> Parser ct r
first :: Parser ct r -> Parser ct r
papply :: Parser ct r -> ct -> [(r, ct)]
The `SuitableCollection' class is pretty hard to define, though.
Either it constrains its members to be list-shaped, or it prevents you
from reusing functions like `item'. Hmmm... I think I've just
stumbled across your reason for treating Parser as a class.
When the input isn't list-shaped, is the activity still called
parsing? Or is it a generalised fold (of the input type) and unfold
(of the result type)?