argument permutation and fundeps
Ralf Hinze
Sun, 13 May 2001 10:44:19 +0200
Dear Conor,
thanks for posing the `argument permutation' problem. I had several
hours of fun hacking up a solution that works under `ghci' (as Jeff
pointed out Hugs probably suffers from a bug). The solution is
close to your program, I only simplified the representation of the
`factorial numbers' that select a permutation. The program is
attached below.
Here is a sample interaction (using `ghci -fglasgow-exts PermArg.lhs'):
PermArgs> :t pr
Int -> Bool -> Char -> [Char]
PPermArgs> :t perm (a0 <: a0 <: nil) pr
Int -> Bool -> Char -> [Char]
ermArgs> :t perm (a0 <: a1 <: nil) pr
Int -> Char -> Bool -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a1 <: a0 <: nil) pr
Bool -> Int -> Char -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a1 <: a1 <: nil) pr
Char -> Int -> Bool -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a2 <: a0 <: nil) pr
Bool -> Char -> Int -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a2 <: a1 <: nil) pr
Char -> Bool -> Int -> [Char]
Cheers, Ralf
> module PermArgs where
Natural numbers.
> data Zero = Zero
> data Succ nat = Succ nat
Some syntactic sugar.
> a0 = Zero
> a1 = Succ a0
> a2 = Succ a1
> a3 = Succ a2
Inserting first argument.
> class Insert nat a x y | nat a x -> y, nat y -> a x where
> insert :: nat -> (a -> x) -> y
> instance Insert Zero a x (a -> x) where
> insert Zero f = f
> instance (Insert nat a x y) => Insert (Succ nat) a (b -> x) (b -> y) where
> insert (Succ n) f a = insert n (flip f a)
Some test data.
> pr :: Int -> Bool -> Char -> String
> pr i b c = show i ++ show b ++ show c
An example session (using `ghci -fglasgow-exts PermArg.lhs'):
PermArgs> :t insert a0 pr
Int -> Bool -> Char -> String
PermArgs> :t insert a1 pr
Bool -> Int -> Char -> String
PermArgs> :t insert a2 pr
Bool -> Char -> Int -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t insert a3 pr
No instance for `Insert (Succ Zero) Int String y'
arising from use of `insert' at <No locn>
> data Nil = Nil
> data Cons nat list = Cons nat list
Some syntactic sugar.
> infixr 5 <:
> (<:) = Cons
> nil = a0 <: Nil
Permuting arguments.
> class Perm list x y | list x -> y, list y -> x where
> perm :: list -> x -> y
> instance Perm Nil x x where
> perm Nil f = f
> instance (Insert n a y z, Perm list x y) => Perm (Cons n list) (a -> x) z where
> perm (Cons d ds) f = insert d (\a -> perm ds (f a))
An example session (using `ghci -fglasgow-exts PermArg.lhs'):
PermArgs> :t perm (a0 <: a0 <: nil) pr
Int -> Bool -> Char -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a0 <: a1 <: nil) pr
Int -> Char -> Bool -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a1 <: a0 <: nil) pr
Bool -> Int -> Char -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a1 <: a1 <: nil) pr
Char -> Int -> Bool -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a2 <: a0 <: nil) pr
Bool -> Char -> Int -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a2 <: a1 <: nil) pr
Char -> Bool -> Int -> [Char]
PermArgs> :t perm (a2 <: a2 <: nil) pr
No instance for `Insert (Succ Zero) Int y y1'
arising from use of `perm' at <No locn>
No instance for `Insert (Succ Zero) Bool [Char] y'
arising from use of `perm' at <No locn>