Stack leak... (?)

Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza
Sat, 09 Jun 2001 00:42:38 -0700

    Ok... I'm doing a lot of testing with monadic parsers. My current test 
consists on a Haskell program that parses a C++ source file and:

- Separates individual lines
- Removes comments
- Parses quoted literal strings and characters
- Removes indentation and trailing blanks
- Remembers the original file position of each portion of the result.

    The problem is that my test program runs out of stack (not heap) on 
both GHC and Hugs when parsing a large-enough file (about 150K for GHC, a 
lot less for Hugs). And, the real weird part is that it does so after 
printing most of the output. I don't know, I can't claim to understand the 
inner workings of GHC/Hugs, but it sounds to me that, in order to have a 
stack overflow, nothing should have been printed yet. It's as if, say, in 
order to parse the next line, the stack has to contain the complete file up 
to the point that's being parsed.

    So... any suggestions on what can be wrong? I'm posting a bit of the 
main code (maybe I'm lucky and the problem lies there). I don't want to 
force everyone in the list to get an attachment, so if anyone is interested 
or would like to help, please, just ask and I'll send the whole thing.

--- This part does the actual parsing. I call it the "quoting resolver"

data UnquotedText q = CODE String | QUOTE q

instance Show q => Show (UnquotedText q) where
     show (CODE s) = "CODE <" ++ s ++ ">"
     show (QUOTE q) = "QUOTE <" ++ show q ++ ">"

type QuotingResolver q = LayoutTextParser [(FilePos,UnquotedText q)]

resolveQuoting :: QuotingResolver q -> (FilePos,String) -> 
[(FilePos,UnquotedText q)]
resolveQuoting r s = rq s
     where rq s = case applyInputParser r s of
                     []              -> []
                     ((result,ns):_) -> result ++ rq ns

quotingResolver :: LayoutTextParser (LayoutTextParser (Maybe (UnquotedText 
q)),FilePos) -> LayoutTextParser () -> QuotingResolver q
quotingResolver startQuote skipBlanks = do
     (_,_,col) <- getFilePos
     if col == 1
         then skipBlanks
         else return ()
     filePosBeforeQuote <- getFilePos
     (textBeforeQuote,endQuote) <- manynot extractItem (skipBlanks >> 
     tlist <- case textBeforeQuote of
                 "" -> return []
                 _  -> return [(filePosBeforeQuote,CODE textBeforeQuote)]
     if isNothing endQuote
         then case tlist of
                 [] -> mzero
                 _  -> return tlist
         else do
     Just (endQuoteParser,quotefilePos) <- return endQuote
     quote <- endQuoteParser
     if isNothing quote
         then return tlist
         else do
     Just textInQuote <- return quote
     qlist <- case textInQuote of
                 (CODE "") -> return []
                 _         -> return [(quotefilePos,textInQuote)]
     return (tlist ++ qlist)

--- This part does the quoting of a C++ file

data CppQuotedText = STRING String | CHAR Char

instance Show CppQuotedText where
     show (STRING s) = "STRING \"" ++ s ++ "\""
     show (CHAR s) = "CHAR '" ++ [s] ++ "'"

type CppUnquotedText = UnquotedText CppQuotedText

cppSingleLineComment :: LayoutTextParser (Maybe CppUnquotedText)
cppMultiLineComment  :: LayoutTextParser (Maybe CppUnquotedText)
cppSingleQuote       :: LayoutTextParser (Maybe CppUnquotedText)
cppDoubleQuote       :: LayoutTextParser (Maybe CppUnquotedText)

cppSingleLineComment    = do { (_  ,mb) <- manynot 
extractChar      (char   '\n'); if isNothing mb then return Nothing else 
return (Just (CODE "" )) }
cppMultiLineComment     = do { (_  ,mb) <- manynot extractChar      (string 
"*/"); if isNothing mb then return Nothing else return (Just (CODE "" )) }
cppSingleQuote          = do { c <- literalCharacterParserRest; return 
(Just (QUOTE (CHAR c))) }
cppDoubleQuote          = do { s <- literalStringParserRest;    return 
(Just (QUOTE (STRING s))) }

cppQuotingStart :: LayoutTextParser (LayoutTextParser (Maybe 
cppQuotingStart = do
     filePos <- getFilePos
     result <-   (do { char   '\n'; return (return (Just (CODE ""))) } +++
                  do { string "//"; return cppSingleLineComment } +++
                  do { string "/*"; return cppMultiLineComment } +++
                  do { char   '\''; return cppSingleQuote } +++
                  do { char   '"' ; return cppDoubleQuote })
     return (result,filePos)

cppQuotingResolver :: QuotingResolver CppQuotedText
cppQuotingResolver = quotingResolver cppQuotingStart skipBlanksNoNewLine

--- This is the main program

doTest s fname = (resolveQuoting cppQuotingResolver ((fname,1,1), s))

printLines [] = return ()
printLines (x:xs) = do print x; printLines xs

main = do
     args <- getArgs
     putStr "Parser v0.0!\n"
     fname <- return (if args == [] then "E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp" 
else (head args))
     s <- readFile fname
     printLines (doTest s fname)


    In my example file, the output begins (in Hugs) with:

Main> main
Parser v0.0!
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",6,1),CODE <#include>)
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",6,10),QUOTE <STRING "StdAfx.h">)
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",8,1),CODE <#include>)
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",8,10),QUOTE <STRING "3DRenderer.h">)
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",10,1),CODE <#include>)

    and ends with:

(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",813,5),CODE <if (mipMapBias != bias) {>)
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",814,9),CODE <++changeID;>)
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",815,5),CODE <}>)
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",816,5),CODE <mipMapBias = bias;>)
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",817,5),CODE <return 
(("E:/Ronin/RE3D/3DRenderer.cpp",818,1),CODE <}>)

ERROR - Control stack overflow


Juan Carlos "JCAB" Arevalo Baeza    |
Senior Technology programmer        |
Ronin Entertainment                 | ICQ: 10913692
                        (my opinions are only mine)
JCAB's Rumblings: