Another space leak question
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 17:28:38 +0530
Thanks, but oops, that doesn't solve my real problem. Ok, let me stop trying
to simplify and put the relevanty parts of my original code. Will lead to a
longer mail.
With a space leak:
This is what I had earlier.
I have a type called PTState which is,
> type PTState = (PTBitmaps, Randoms, Helicopters)
"Randoms" is a type synonym for [Int]. "PTBitmaps" is not so relevant here,
neither is Helicopters.
And this used to be the main loop (you can skip the first three lines, the
main part is "loop").
mainLoop = do
w <- openWindowEx "Paratrooper 1" Nothing (Just (wWidth, wHeight))
DoubleBuffered (Just 100)
bmps <- loadPTBitmaps --load bmp files
rs <- randomRsIO (1, 20) -- random numbers
let loop st = do
getWindowTick w
let (ns, gs) = step st;
g = foldr overGraphic emptyGraphic gs
do setGraphic w g; loop ns
loop (initState bmps rs)
Btw, I am using the hugs graphics library here. I'll just give the type of
some functions:
mainLoop:: IO()
step :: PTState->PTState -- this is like updating the state and
passing it back to "loop" again.
randomRsIO::[Int] is supposed to return a lazily evaluated infinite list
of random numbers.
setGraphic :: Window -> Graphic -> IO() -- just draws a "graphic" on
initState :: PTBitmaps -> Randoms -> PTState -- just initializes the
No Space Leak:
Now I removed the randoms from PTState: and started passing it as a separate
parameter to "loop" and "step":
So the new PTState is just (PTBitmaps, Helicopters)
> main' = do
> w <- openWindowEx "Paratrooper 1" Nothing (Just (wWidth, wHeight))
DoubleBuffered (Just 100)
> bmps <- loadPTBitmaps --load bmp files
> rs <- randomRsIO (1, 20) -- random numbers
> loop w rs (initState bmps)
> loop w rs st = do
> getWindowTick w
> let (ns, gs) = step st (take numHelicopters rs);
> g = foldr overGraphic emptyGraphic gs
> in
> do setGraphic w g; loop w (drop numHelicopters rs) ns
Why did the space leak go away?
- Srineet.
More info:
In the earlier version I used to use the following function to extract
random numbers from the state:
> stGetRandoms :: Int -> PTState -> (Randoms, PTState)
> stGetRandoms num (bmps, rs, hcs) = (take num rs, (bmps, drop num rs,
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: Another space leak question
> "Srineet" <> writes:
> > Now [main2] continues forever, but doesn't cause hugs to run out of
> > heap.What' the reason that, while both [main1] and [main2] run forever,
> > first causes hugs to run out of heap while second doesn't.
> referring to the following program (slightly adapted for compatibility
> > step1 :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
> > step1 (x:xs) n = step1 xs (n+x)
> > main1 :: Int
> > main1 = step1 (repeat 1) 1
> > step2 :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
> > step2 (x:xs) n | n == 0 = 0
> > | otherwise = step2 xs (n+x)
> > main2 :: Int
> > main2 = step2 (repeat 1) 1
> The reason is that the addition in step1 is deferred lazily,
> since its result is never needed.
> Therefore, unreduced additions accumulate.
> In contrast, the result of the addition in step2 is needed
> for comparison in ``n == 0'' --- this forces evaluation of n.
> I have produced two animations (hold down the space bar in ghostview
> to get the effect ;-), available at:
> A remedy might be to force sequentialisation:
> > step1' (x:xs) n = let n' = n+x in n' `seq` step1 xs n'
> Hope that helps!
> Wolfram