O'Haskell OOP Polymorphic Functions
Ashley Yakeley
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 00:13:41 -0800
At 2001-01-17 17:03, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
>You seem to want dynamic type tests. This is another feature, and
>sometimes a useful one. But it requires carrying around types at
Yes. I tried to do that myself by adding a field, but it seems it can't
be done.
>You might want to look at existential types; it is a similar feature.
I seem to run into a similar problem:
class BaseClass s
data Base = forall a. BaseClass a => Base a
class (BaseClass s) => DerivedClass s
data Derived = forall a. DerivedClass a => Derived a
upcast :: Derived -> Base
upcast (Derived d) = Base d
downcast :: Base -> Maybe Derived
How do I define downcast?
Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA