Please help me

Chris Angus
Thu, 8 Feb 2001 10:29:29 -0000


A clue is to use list comprehensions (which are very like ZF set notation)

First think how you would define a cartesian product in set notation

X x Y x Z = {(x,y,z) | ...}

and then think how this is written in list comprehension notation


> -----Original Message-----
> From: FAIZAN RAZA [mailto:k19990158@]
> Sent: 08 February 2001 13:49
> To:
> Subject: Please help me
> Hello
> Please help me to solve this questions
> Question
> Cartesian Product of three sets, written as X x Y x Z is 
> defined as the set
> of all ordered triples such that the first element is a 
> member of X, the
> second is member of Y, and the thrid member of set Z. write a Haskell
> function cartesianProduct which when given three lists  (to 
> represent three
> sets) of integers returns a list of lists of ordered triples.
> For examples,  cartesianProduct [1,3][2,4][5,6] returns
> [[1,2,5],[1,2,6],[1,4,5],[1,4,6],[3,2,5],[3,2,6],[3,4,5],[3,4,6]]
> Please send me reply as soon as possible
> Ok
> I wish you all the best of luck
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