overloading efficiency

David Feuer David_Feuer@brown.edu
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 03:29:19 -0500

I have read that using overloaded functions is expensive because
overloading is implemented by passing dictionaries around.  These
various sources seem to agree that this in necessary to allow separate
compilation.  I don't understand why this is...  Couldn't the functions
be specialized at link time?

/Times-Bold 40 selectfont/n{moveto}def/m{gsave true charpath clip 72
400 n 300 -4 1{dup 160 300 3 -1 roll 0 360 arc 300 div 1 1 sethsbcolor
fill}for grestore 0 -60 rmoveto}def 72 500 n(This message has been)m
(brought to you by the)m(letter alpha and the number pi.)m(David Feuer)
m(David_Feuer@brown.edu)m showpage