Easy syntax question
Dean Herington
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 15:09:00 -0400
Mark Carroll wrote:
> I can write a function x :: Integer -> Integer that returns 5 if I give it
> 2, 5 or 9, or 7 otherwise. Say,
> x 2 = 5
> x 5 = 5
> x 9 = 5
> x _ = 7
> Generally, this is a question about where multiple cases lead to the same
> thing, maybe even in the middle of a function. (Like C's "case 1: case 2:
> case 3: foo; break;".)
> Does it get any better than this, though? I can't convince 'case' to do
> something like,
> case n of
> 2,5,9 -> 5
> otherwise -> 7
> Am I missing some syntax somewhere? I'm lost in the grammar in the Haskell
> report.
> -- Mark
I would write:
> if elem n [2,5,9] then 5 else 7