Will Haskell be commercialized in the future?
Benjamin L. Russell
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 02:49:37 -0500
On Fri, 24 Nov 2000 09:15:52 -0800
Doug Ransom <Doug_Ransom@pml.com> wrote:
> [stuff deleted]
> A lot of the things Haskell excells at (IMO) inferior
> tools are being used
> in place. For example, microsoft has build good XSLT
> translators and two
> new compilers (C#, VB7) in the last couple years.
> Unfortunately, C#, not
> Haskell, will probably be "the" language for the next
> decade. [stuff deleted]
Just out of curiosity: what makes you so sure about C#? C# has some potential big problems, too: in particular, the ability to declare a portion of the code "unsafe," which can encourage unsafe programming among entrenched C/C++ programmers.
I myself am in no big hurry to master C#. I'd rather use a set of domain-specific languages with interlinked code, rather than a single language that purports to be as general-purpose as C# does.
Benjamin L. Russell
"Furuike ya! Kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto." --Matsuo Basho