finding primes
Shlomi Fish
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 09:02:24 +0200 (IST)
On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, S.D.Mechveliani wrote:
> Hello,
> On generating prime numbers, people wrote
> ...
> | import Array
> | primes n = [ i | i <- [2 ..n], not (primesMap ! i)] where
> | primesMap = accumArray (||) False (2,n) multList
> | [..]
> I think that it is good for functional programming to avoid arrays,
> as possible.
Yes. So I realized. It's a pity though, because sometimes arrays are very
> Shlomi Fish <> writes
> > [..]
> > primes :: Int -> [Int]
> >
> > primes how_much = sieve [2..how_much] where
> > sieve (p:x) =
> > p : (if p <= mybound
> > then sieve (remove (p*p) x)
> > else x) where
> > remove what (a:as) | what > how_much = (a:as)
> > | a < what = a:(remove what as)
> > | a == what = (remove (what+step) as)
> > | a > what = a:(remove (what+step) as)
> > remove what [] = []
> > step = (if (p == 2) then p else (2*p))
> > sieve [] = []
> > mybound = ceiling(sqrt(fromIntegral how_much))
> >
> > I optimized it quite a bit, but the concept remained the same.
> >
> > Anyway, this code can scale very well to 100000 and beyond. But it's not
> > exactly the same algorithm.
> > [..]
> C.Runciman <> gives a paper reference
> about this.
> Aslo may I ask what do you mean by "can scale to 100000",
> the value of a prime or its position No in the list?
I mean it can easily generate the list of primes from 2 up to 100000. Not
100000 separate primes.
> Anyway, here are my attempts:
> -----------------------------------
> 1.
> primes1 = s [(2::Int)..] :: [Int]
> where s (p:ns) = p: (s (filter (notm p) ns))
> notm p n = (mod n p) /= 0
> main = putStr $ shows (primes1!!9000) "\n"
This strikes me as the sieve version which I gave as the first example.
It's not very efficient because it uses modulo which is a costy operation.
> After compiling by GHC-4.08 -O2
> it yields 93187 in 115 sec on Intel-586, 160 MHz.
> -----------------------------------
> 2.
> The DoCon program written in Haskell (again, no arrays) gives
> about 10 sec (for Integer values).
> Also it finds, for example, first 5 primes after 10^9 as follows:
> take 5 $ filter isPrime [(10^9 ::Integer) ..]
> -->
> [1000000007,1000000009,1000000021,1000000033,1000000087]
> This takes 0.05 sec.
> But DoCon uses a particular isPrime test method:
> Pomerance C., Selfridge J.L., Wagstaff S.S.:
> The pseudoprimes to 25*10^9.
> Math.Comput., 1980, v.36, No.151, pp.1003-1026.
> After 25*10^9 it becomes again, expensive.
Where can I find this DoCon program?
Shlomi Fish
> ------------------
> Sergey Mechveliani
Shlomi Fish
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