Mixture of Integer and Float arithmetic without "fromIntegral"?

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace@cs.york.ac.uk
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 10:28:12 +0000

> >   module Defs where
> > 
> >   n = 3
> >   x = 12.3
> > 
> >   test = ceiling (x / n)
> There are people (including me) who think that the monomorphism
> restriction rule, which makes the above definitions without type
> signatures monomorphic and thus defaulted to concrete types, should
> be removed.

If you want to experiment with an implementation that do not enforce
the monomorphism restriction, try nhc98.  It happily infers the types

   n :: Num a => a
   x :: Fractional a => a

for the toplevel definitions shown.  I don't think anyone has ever
complained about this feature.
