[GUI] RE: Announce: wxHaskell 0.2

Daan Leijen daanleijen at xs4all.nl
Tue Sep 16 23:18:03 EDT 2003

Hi Sven,

(I'll reply to the portability issues in a separate mail)

>   * It would be nice if the directory created by unzipping 
> wxhaskell-src-0.2.zip  contained a version number.
>   * It would be even nicer if wxhaskell-doc-0.2.zip unzipped 
> into a *single*  directory.
>   * You need `-package parsec' for linking wxdirect nowadays.

Thanks for the hints. I'll look into it for a future version.
I will not actively support CVS GHC's though -- that will be too much
work :-)

>   * When HelloWorld terminates, it segfaults in wxVariant()'s 
> destructor. I have no idea what's going on here, but I can only repeat
> warnings stated some time ago: Mixing a C++ library with pure C (=
GHC's code) 
> is a highly  delicate, platform/compiler dependent and fragile thing
to do...

I am quite sure that this has nothing to do with C vs. C++ :-)
(I am not linking at all with C++ directly -- instead I am using extern
wrappers that are used in a separate dynamic link library with their own
C++ runtime system. This is just like calling any other systems library.

The segfault is really weird though -- it might be that you started
"main" twice
from GHCi (a known bug in wxGTK), that your GHC is broken, that you use
old GTK, anything really.... :-(

>   * The package configuration should include linker flags for 
> the path of libwxc.so, otherwise a non-superuser has to fiddle around
>     LD_LIBRARY_PATH and the like.

I am fairly hesitant here -- this means that I need two different
description files -- one for binary installs and one for developer
I'll look into it, but since I am not a real unix wizard, maybe you can
tell me offline what you exactly need/want.

All the best,

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