[GUI] Future of Haskell: GUI development

Manuel M T Chakravarty chak at cse.unsw.edu.au
Sun Sep 14 17:05:26 EDT 2003

Wolfgang Jeltsch <wolfgang at jeltsch.net> wrote,

> On Wednesday, 2003-09-10, 12:47, CEST, Axel Simon wrote:
> > [...]
> > A quick poll at the Haskell workshop revealed that 1/3 of the people thought
> > that the CGA approach is worthwhile, 2/3 thought that the cross-platform
> > approach is adequate. Hence the CGA idea as it stands right now will not be
> > pursued.
> I have to say that I'm very disappointed by this decision. I was very enthused 
> that there was such a strong focus on "nativeness" in the past because, in my 
> opinion, this "nativeness" is very important. I fear that the wxWindows 
> approach won't give us applications that conform to the platform-specific 
> conventions very well. Therefore, I'm interested in developments like 
> HToolkit where there's a strong emphasis on styleguide conformance.

Better a viable GUI binding with some reasonable level of
nativeness now than chasing after the ideal binding for two
years and be left with nothing.

What makes you think that the few people in the Haskell
community who are interested in building GUI infrastructure
can do a better job at a cross-platform API than the masses
of GUI developers for whom this is their daily bread?

I think we are better off by piggy-backing on a major
cross-platform effort driven by a large developer community
than by wasting our time on trying to solve problems that
the experts couldn't crack so far.


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