Portable GUI levels (was: Re: [GUI] Re: Gtk and Object I/O)

Nick Name nick.name@inwind.it
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 23:48:31 +0100

On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 15:25:51 -0500
Sengan.Baring-Gould@nsc.com wrote:

>  One interesting feature of SWT is to provide native access to any
>  widget that exists on a given platform, but to emulate those that
>  don't (in Java -- in our case Haskell)

This way you are not achieving native look and feel.

BTW, I 've seen many people mention the "just one menubar per
application in aqua" problem.

Can someone give me an example of a famous application under linux wich
uses two different menubars in two different windows? Nothing comes to
my mind.


Fedeli alla linea, anche quando non c'=E8 Quando l'imperatore =E8
malato, quando muore,o =E8 dubbioso, o =E8 perplesso.  Fedeli alla linea
la linea non c'=E8.  [CCCP]