[GUI] Re: Gtk and Object I/O

Nick Name nick.name@inwind.it
Sat, 25 Jan 2003 13:13:52 +0100

On Sat, 25 Jan 2003 11:57:05 +0100
Wolfgang Jeltsch <wolfgang@jeltsch.net> wrote:

>  I never meant not to use an existing toolkit. In fact, I always meant
>  that we should use existing "native" toolkits/libraries in order to
>  achieve platform look-and-feel etc.

I am not sure to have understood what's going on.

If there is a C backend yet to be written, on top of wich implement an
Haskell layer, why not reuse the unix part, writing just a native
backend for gtk2/win32?

It would reuse a lot of code, and would simultaneously solve a big
problem for the many gtk apps out there, written in various languages:
having a reasonable look on windows (and the same idea holds for quartz,

Indeed, it would solve the problem of writing the C backend for linux
and bsd, too.

I know that many people, reading this, will just think "no, rewriting
our C lowlevel library is easier because it will exacly fit our needs"
but, believe, it's just the not-done-by-myself syndrome already
mentioned on this list :) 

I don't think that designing a C backend for an UI will look (from the
programmer's point of view) different from gtk.

BTW, I think that this backend can be comfortably written in haskell,
since there is a binding for win32 and one for gtk, we could just
abstract etc etc. In fact, If I had to bet on what will happen in the
next two years, I would surely bet on objectIO implemented directly over
the win32 API and over the gtk2 API, but there's no bookmaker here now


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