[GUI] Re: Gtk and Object I/O

seth@cql.com seth@cql.com
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 22:58:50 -0700 (MST)


No disagreement, but then we return to the question:  why not use an existing
toolkit such as gtk?  Especially as there is an existing haskell interface to it
from which a lot can be learned.

On 25-Jan-2003 Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
> On Friday, 2003-01-24, 16:22, CET, Adrian Hey wrote:
>> [...]
>> 1- What does this low level code do that requires it to be written in C? I
>> can't think of any particular reason for this other than speed, and I can't
>> think of anywhere a gui really needs speed other than for rendering. (But
>> that can't be so because, as everybody keeps telling me, writing our own
>> portable rendering code is a really bad idea :-)
> Hello,
> I think it is really good to provide the platform-independent imperative 
> interface in C because this way it is also usable with other programming 
> languages than Haskell. This results in more people interested in developing 
> the interface and the underlying implementations. By the way, I'm heavily 
> interested in such a C interface also as a basis for a platform-independent 
> Ada library.
>> [...]
> I'd like to add that I'm really impressed by the work Krasimir, Daan and
> maybe 
> others have done in developing HToolkit. The approach of
>     * developing a platform-independent C interface
>     * implementing it on top of different native APIs
>     * creating a thin Haskell binding to the C interface
> is exactly what I favor. I haven't a detailed picture of HToolkit yet but at 
> least these three points are something I'd like to see in a future standard.
> I'd like to point out again that although the C interface shall be low level 
> concerning programming style (i.e., it shall be imperative) it should be high
> level concerning the facilities it provides (e.g., it should provide complete
> file selection dialogs). As Peter Achten mentioned in his mail from
> 2003-01-24 
> 11:48:32 +0100, abstraction is essential.
> Wolfgang
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Seth Kurtzberg
M. I. S. Corp.
E-Mail: seth@cql.com
Date: 24-Jan-2003
Time: 22:57:56

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