[GUI] More points for the technical discussion

Wolfgang Jeltsch wolfgang@jeltsch.net
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 12:07:51 +0100

On Monday, 2003-02-17, 22:47, CET, Nick Name wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 22:09:53 +0100 Wolfgang Jeltsch <wolfgang@jeltsch.n=
> wrote:
> >  Why shouldn't we just define a function which has the captions of th=
> >  Yes and the No button directly as arguments? An example application
> >  of it could be
> >      dialogYesNoCancel "Save" "Don't save" <other arguments>
> >  which would name the buttons "Save", "Don't save" and "Cancel" on th=
> >  Mac and "Yes", "No" and "Cancel" on a PC running Windows or KDE
> >  (:-)).
> Yes, then we just don't have a YesNoCancel dialog ;) It would be a gene=
> dialog. I don't see problems however.

It would be a Yes-No-Cancel dialog because
    * the caption "Cancel" would always be present on the Mac
    * the buttons would always be named "Yes", "No" and "Cancel" on the P=

> [...]

> Vincenzo
