[GUI] Dynamic sizing.

Wolfgang Thaller wolfgang.thaller@gmx.net
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 22:52:18 +0200

> Of course.  We should always be able to query the
> actual size.  How about size is not an attribute?
> Size could be a ro variable.  The attribute is the
> SizePolicy.

Sounds good.

> SizePolicyType =

We'll have to think about the actual constructors a bit more, I think.

> I'm used to using HBox's and VBox's.  Is a grid as
> simple as I think it is?  If it is . . . HBox, VBox,
> and GridBox seem to be a good addition.

Grids are reasonably simple to use; they become really great when used 
in conjunction with a graphical GUI editor. They are slightly more 
general than HBoxes and VBoxes (although those cases that you can't 
model with H/VBoxes are rare in practice).

For a GridBox, you would specify
*) the number of rows and columns
*) attributes for rows and columns (attributes include "Resizable" and 
"NonResizable"; some grid layout managers provide a "weight" attribute 
for resizable rows/columns).

For each widget you place in the grid box, you'd specify
*) row and column number
*) row and column span (a widget may take up more than one cell)
*) other attributes, like alignment (if a column is resized but the 
widget in it has a fixed size narrower than the column), padding etc.

So we could have several different types of containers:

HBoxes, VBoxes for simple dynamic layout
GridBoxes for complex dynamic layout
FixedPlacementBox for crazy people, for strange situations and for 
implementing dynamic layout schemes on top of it.

How would we specify container-specific attributes?
Row/Column number, row/column span etc. are not attributes of the 
widget, and they are attributes of a widget inside a GridBox container.

What about having:

 > class Container c where
 >     addChild :: Widget w => c -> w -> [Prop (c,w)] -> IO ()
 >     removeChild :: Widget w => c -> w -> IO ()

So that I could write something like:

 > myGrid <- mkGridBox [columns =: [Resizable, NonResizable],
 >                      rows =: [NonResizable, NonResizable]]
 > myLabel <- mkLabel [title =: "foo"]
 > myEntry <- mkEditableTextField []
 > myButton <- mkButton [title =: "bar"]
 > addChild myGrid myLabel [row =: 1, column =: 1, columnspan =: 2, 
halign =: Center]
 > addChild myGrid myEntry [row =: 2, column =: 1]
 > addChild myGrid myButton [row =: 2, column =: 2]

... and later I could use things like:

 > set (myGrid, myLabel) [columnspan =: 1]

Of course, HBoxes, VBoxes, fixed placement, and everything else people 
might come up with, would fit in the same framework.

What do you think?

