[GUI] Dynamic ... something

Glynn Clements glynn.clements@virgin.net
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 20:40:52 +0100

Wolfgang Thaller wrote:

> > For UIL, you also have to provide definitions for any attribute values
> > which can't be specified inside a UIL file (e.g. pointers, callbacks).
> > Basically, the UIL file uses symbolic names, and you provide a list of
> > name/value pairs to map the names to specific values when loading the
> > file.
> Which brings us to another problem; the mechanisms for interfacing 
> interface files with the rest of the program are vastly different:
> Motif/UIL/UID: (just what I heard on this list, I really no nothing)
> Each widget can be identified by its name.
> Callbacks referenced from the interface file are specified using a 
> name. When loading the interface, a name/value mapping has to be 
> provided.
> Other data (examples please... images?) may be provided in the same way

Essentially UIL has the same problem as X resources: all values are
strings, so you can only specify values for attribute types which can
be converted from strings. Strings (e.g. for labels), fonts, colours,
numeric and enumerated types aren't a problem; the problem comes when
you want to set an attribute whose value is a pointer, XID (basically
a handle) etc.

Images (both Pixmap and XImage types) suffer from a related problem. 
Specifically, you can't easily specify a value for an image attribute
(e.g. XmNbackgroundPixmap) at widget creation time; the reason is that
any images have to be compatible with the visual used for the widget's
window, but the widget hasn't been realised (its window hasn't been
created) at that point, so you can't easily discover the correct

Some widget sets (e.g. some of the Athena variants) do allow you to
specify images at widget creation time; typically, they assume that
the widget's window will use the default visual. This works fine on a
typical Linux box, where the display only has one visual, but falls
down on more complex hardware (e.g. SGIs) where multiple visuals are
available (the program dies with a BadMatch error as soon as the
window is realised).

> I currently don't see how those differences can be reconciled without
> a) requiring platform-specific code
> b) sacrificing features
> or c) both of the above :-(

Neither do I. Which is why I'm so keen to see an API which separates
the initialisation from the core application logic.

The application logic needs to be provided with handles to any widgets
which it needs to query or manipulate, and it needs an interface
through which to do so. That's all. The code doesn't need to know
anything about how those widgets were laid out; or even exactly what
types of widget its dealing with, so long as it can perform the
necessary operations.

Real-world applications seldom achieve portability by using only
portable libraries (e.g. OpenGL + GLUT). It's far more common to write
portable code where possible, and accept that some (hopefully small)
portion of the code will need to be re-written for each platform.

To me, the most important part to get right initially is the stuff
which interfaces with the application logic, because that tends to be
scattered throughout the code. Primarily state management; not just
the generic set/get interface, but the semantics of common widget
types (e.g. how do you specify a scrollbar position?).

Although it seems counter-intuitive, the mechanics of UI construction
aren't so important, as it's relatively straightforward to isolate
that to a separate file, and the code tends to be highly idiomatic;
the differences between a typical BuildTheUI() function (which is
code) and e.g. UIL (which is data) tend to be more syntactic than

> For 3), I'm thinking of a high-level approach.
> Of course, there'd be the usual grid-based mechanisms (cf Java's 
> GridBagLayout), but I'm also thinking of specialized layouts for 
> special situations - like a "button bar" in a dialog box, where you 
> just tell the layout manager which button is the OK button and which is 
> the Cancel button and so on.

That's one case you probably don't need to handle. OK/Cancel dialogs
should be available as complete components; if they are available,
they should be used.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements@virgin.net>