[GUI] Re: GUI Library Task Force
Andy Gill
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 10:38:21 -0700
"Manuel M. T. Chakravarty" wrote:
> * I am not a big fan of introducing an extra monad (`GUI' in
> this case). It can easily become a pain in programs that
> do a lot of "normal" IO as you have to lift all IO
> functions to GUI.
So you want various IO operations, that act not only in the IO monad,
but in other monads also? Perhaps something like
putStrLn :: (MonadIO io) => String -> io ()
Then writing you IO operations inside your GUI becomes trivial.
Lets push this a bit with an implementation.
-- a way of tunneling into the IO Monad
class (Monad m) => MonadIO m where
runIO :: IO v -> m v
-- and the "default" IO monad.
instance MonadIO IO where
runIO m = m
-- a sample GUI
newtype GUI a = GUI { unGUI :: IO a }
-- wibble
instance Monad GUI where
return a = GUI (return a)
(GUI m) >>= k = GUI (m >>= \ r -> unGUI (k r))
-- how the GUI tunnels
instance MonadIO GUI where
runIO m = GUI m
-- and an implementation of putStrLn
putStrLn :: (MonadIO io) => String -> io ()
putStrLn str = runIO (Prelude.putStrLn str)
-- You need to import the Prelude hiding putStrLn,
-- the import putStrLn qualified, but it should be
-- possible to develop a module that contains
-- your favorite IO monadic things, behind which
-- this magic is hidden.
(I'm not arguing for/against the Clean GUI, but one of your points of
Andy Gill
Galois Connections