From zubin at Tue Nov 5 12:13:24 2024 From: zubin at (Zubin Duggal) Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 17:43:24 +0530 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] GHC 9.12.1-alpha2 is now available In-Reply-To: <2snpei5s6aapoanssr266h5idtgjcfsrojdiso6unuszkhdeih@7vyl6vfi2wzq> References: <2snpei5s6aapoanssr266h5idtgjcfsrojdiso6unuszkhdeih@7vyl6vfi2wzq> Message-ID: The GHC developers are very pleased to announce the availability of the second alpha release of GHC 9.12.1. Binary distributions, source distributions, and documentation are available at [][]. We hope to have this release available via ghcup shortly. GHC 9.12 will bring a number of new features and improvements, including: * The new language extension [OrPatterns] allowing you to combine multiple pattern clauses into one. * The [MultilineStrings] language extension to allow you to more easily write strings spanning multiple lines in your source code. * Improvements to the OverloadedRecordDot extension, allowing the built-in `HasField` class to be used for records with fields of non lifted representations. * The [NamedDefaults] language extension has been introduced allowing you to define defaults for typeclasses other than `Num`. * More deterministic object code output, controlled by the `-fobject-determinism` flag, which improves determinism of builds a lot (though does not fully do so) at the cost of some compiler performance (1-2%). See #12935 for the details * GHC now accepts type syntax in expressions as part of [GHC Proposal #281]. * The WASM backend now has support for TemplateHaskell. * ... and many more A full accounting of changes can be found in the [release notes][]. As always, GHC's release status, including planned future releases, can be found on the GHC Wiki [status][]. We would like to thank GitHub, IOG, the Zw3rk stake pool, Well-Typed, Tweag I/O, Serokell, Equinix, SimSpace, the Haskell Foundation, and other anonymous contributors whose on-going financial and in-kind support has facilitated GHC maintenance and release management over the years. Finally, this release would not have been possible without the hundreds of open-source contributors whose work comprise this release. As always, do give this release a try and open a [ticket][] if you see anything amiss. [release notes]: [status]: []: [ticket]: [OrPatterns]: [MultilineStrings]: [GHC Proposal #281]: [NamedDefaults]: Cheers, Zubin -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 488 bytes Desc: not available URL: From zubin at Fri Nov 15 11:11:11 2024 From: zubin at (Zubin Duggal) Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 16:41:11 +0530 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] GHC 9.12.1-alpha3 is now available Message-ID: The GHC developers are very pleased to announce the availability of the third alpha release of GHC 9.12.1. Binary distributions, source distributions, and documentation are available at [][]. We hope to have this release available via ghcup shortly. GHC 9.12 will bring a number of new features and improvements, including: * The new language extension [OrPatterns] allowing you to combine multiple pattern clauses into one. * The [MultilineStrings] language extension to allow you to more easily write strings spanning multiple lines in your source code. * Improvements to the OverloadedRecordDot extension, allowing the built-in `HasField` class to be used for records with fields of non lifted representations. * The [NamedDefaults] language extension has been introduced allowing you to define defaults for typeclasses other than `Num`. * More deterministic object code output, controlled by the `-fobject-determinism` flag, which improves determinism of builds a lot (though does not fully do so) at the cost of some compiler performance (1-2%). See #12935 for the details * GHC now accepts type syntax in expressions as part of [GHC Proposal #281]. * The WASM backend now has support for TemplateHaskell. * ... and many more A full accounting of changes can be found in the [release notes][]. As always, GHC's release status, including planned future releases, can be found on the GHC Wiki [status][]. We would like to thank GitHub, IOG, the Zw3rk stake pool, Well-Typed, Tweag I/O, Serokell, Equinix, SimSpace, the Haskell Foundation, and other anonymous contributors whose on-going financial and in-kind support has facilitated GHC maintenance and release management over the years. Finally, this release would not have been possible without the hundreds of open-source contributors whose work comprise this release. As always, do give this release a try and open a [ticket][] if you see anything amiss. [release notes]: [status]: []: [ticket]: [OrPatterns]: [MultilineStrings]: [GHC Proposal #281]: [NamedDefaults]: Cheers, Zubin -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 488 bytes Desc: not available URL: From zubin at Fri Nov 29 12:33:23 2024 From: zubin at (Zubin Duggal) Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 18:03:23 +0530 Subject: [ANNOUNCE] GHC 9.12.1-rc1 is now available Message-ID: The GHC developers are very pleased to announce the availability of the release candidate for GHC 9.12.1. Binary distributions, source distributions, and documentation are available at [][]. We hope to have this release available via ghcup shortly. GHC 9.12 will bring a number of new features and improvements, including: * The new language extension [OrPatterns] allowing you to combine multiple pattern clauses into one. * The [MultilineStrings] language extension to allow you to more easily write strings spanning multiple lines in your source code. * Improvements to the OverloadedRecordDot extension, allowing the built-in `HasField` class to be used for records with fields of non lifted representations. * The [NamedDefaults] language extension has been introduced allowing you to define defaults for typeclasses other than `Num`. * More deterministic object code output, controlled by the `-fobject-determinism` flag, which improves determinism of builds a lot (though does not fully do so) at the cost of some compiler performance (1-2%). See #12935 for the details * GHC now accepts type syntax in expressions as part of [GHC Proposal #281]. * The WASM backend now has support for TemplateHaskell. * ... and many more A full accounting of changes can be found in the [release notes][]. As always, GHC's release status, including planned future releases, can be found on the GHC Wiki [status][]. We would like to thank GitHub, IOG, the Zw3rk stake pool, Well-Typed, Tweag I/O, Serokell, Equinix, SimSpace, the Haskell Foundation, and other anonymous contributors whose on-going financial and in-kind support has facilitated GHC maintenance and release management over the years. Finally, this release would not have been possible without the hundreds of open-source contributors whose work comprise this release. As always, do give this release a try and open a [ticket][] if you see anything amiss. Cheers, Zubin [release notes]: [status]: []: [ticket]: [OrPatterns]: [MultilineStrings]: [GHC Proposal #281]: [NamedDefaults]: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 488 bytes Desc: not available URL: