How to fool the divergence checker in ghc 9

David Feuer david.feuer at
Fri Jan 20 09:43:57 UTC 2023

I don't know what all that means exactly (especially since GHC's demand
signatures have changed recently in a way I don't understand at all). But
for hiding divergence, one option is to use a module with demand analysis
disabled. Try {-# options_ghc -fno-strictness #-}. You'll likely need to
put oops in its own module to avoid interfering with desired optimizations.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2023, 4:36 AM Michael Sperber <sperber at>

> I'm trying to port Conal Elliott's ConCat plugin from ghc 8 to 9, and
> the divergence checker foils me.
> Background: The plugin works by transforming calls to a pseudo-function
> toCcc' defined like so:
> -- | Pseudo function to trigger rewriting to TOCCC form.
> toCcc' :: forall k a b. (a -> b) -> (a `k` b)
> toCcc' _ = oops "toCcc' called"
> {-# NOINLINE toCcc' #-}
> For ghc 8, oops was defined like so:
> module ConCat.Misc where
> -- | Pseudo function to fool GHC's divergence checker.
> oops :: String -> b
> oops str = errorWithStackTrace ("Oops: "++str)
> {-# NOINLINE oops #-}
> ... but unfortunately, ghc 9 is not so easily fooled and reports <A>x
> for toCcc'.  Is there any way to prevent this that works for ghc 9?
> Help would be much appreciated!
> --
> Regards,
> Mike
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