Can I create a representation polymorphic datatype?

Richard Eisenberg lists at
Wed Jun 29 14:23:35 UTC 2022

Hi Clinton,

Sadly, GHC does not support what you want. I don't really have much more to add to your post, which accurately describes the problem and correctly describes why we can't have one compiled function that works at multiple representations.

The canonical ticket for this kind of feature is I, for one, would welcome further improvements in this direction, but I don't have the capacity to drive them myself.


> On Jun 21, 2022, at 10:09 AM, Clinton Mead <clintonmead at> wrote:
> Hi All
> I can make a list of unboxed ints like below:
> {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
> import GHC.Exts (Int#, Float#)  
> data IntList = IntTail | IntNode Int# IntList
> intListLength :: IntList -> Int
> intListLength IntTail = 0
> intListLength (IntNode _ rest) = 1 + intListLength rest 
> I can then make a list of unboxed floats similarly:
> data FloatList = FloatTail | FloatNode Int# FloatList
> floatListLength :: FloatList -> Int
> floatListLength FloatTail = 0
> floatListLength (FloatNode _ rest) = 1 + floatListLength rest 
> But as you can see, this is getting a bit copy-pasta, which is not good. So instead, lets try this:
> newtype GeneralList (a :: l) = Tail | Node a (GeneralList a)
> This is not allowed here, I believe because `GeneralList` is expected to have one representation for all `a`, instead of a representation which depends on `a`. This is so that if one writes a function:
> generalListLength :: GeneralList a -> Int
> generalListLength Tail = 0
> generalListLength (Node _ rest) = 1 + generalListLength rest
> You can't actually compile this into one function, because the relative location of the "next" pointer can change based on the size of `a` (assuming `a` is stored first).
> However, I can achieve what I want with copy pasting or Template Haskell hackery. 
> Is there a way to get GHC to do the copy pasting for me? Or do I have to make a choice between extra runtime indirection and avoiding ugly code or having ugly code but avoiding the runtime indirection? A representation polymorphic list here is something that languages like C++, Rust, and even C# will handle happily, so Haskell seems behind here unless I'm missing something, 
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