Pattern synonym constraints :: Ord a => () => ...

Anthony Clayden anthony.d.clayden at
Wed Oct 6 10:41:38 UTC 2021

On Wed, 6 Oct 2021 at 21:24, Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>

> I suggest the User Guide needs an example where a constraint needed for
> matching (presumably via a View pattern) is not amongst the
> constraints carried inside the data constructor, nor amongst those needed
> for building. Then the limitations in the current design would be more
> apparent for users.
> The user manual
> <>
> does already speak about the type of a builder, here:
   How could we make that clearer?

This point in that section of the Guide is wrong/misleading:

   - ⟨CReq⟩ are the constraints *required* to match the pattern.

<CReq> must be the union of the constraints required to match the pattern,
_plus_ required to build with the pattern -- if it is bidirectional.

Then thank you Simon, but it's the type of the _matcher_ that's
problematic. The only mechanism for getting the constraints needed for
building is by polluting the constraints needed for matching. Here's a
(crude, daft) example, using guards to 'raise' a
required-for-failing-to-build that isn't required-for-successful-building
nor for-matching

>    pattern TwoNode :: (Show a, Ord a) => () => a -> a -> Tree a
   -- GHC insists on both constraints as Req'd
>    pattern TwoNode x y  <- Node Empty x (Leaf y)   where
>      TwoNode x y | x > y = Node Empty x (Leaf y)
>                  | otherwise = error (show x ++ " not greater " ++ show y)

To quote you from May 1999

>	But when you take a constructor *apart*, the invariant must hold
>	by construction: you couldn't have built the thing you are taking
>	apart unless invariant held.  So enforcing the invariant again is
>	redundant; and in addition it pollutes the type of selectors.

`Show a` must have "held by construction" of the `Node`. But the PatSyn's
constraints are requiring more than that was true in some distant line of
code:  it wants *evidence*  in the form of a dictionary at the point of
deconstructing; since the build was successful, I ipso facto don't want to
`show` anything in consuming it. An `instance Foldable Tree` has no
mechanism to pass in any such dictionaries (which'll anyway be redundant,
as you say).
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