The dreaded windows path length issue

Erik de Castro Lopo mle+hs at
Wed May 30 00:09:14 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I'm now working for IOHK on the Cardano project. The Cardano code
base is large and we are hitting the dreaded windows path length
bug. We have already shortned build paths as much as possible
but are still hitting this

We're currently using ghc-8.0.2 but even ghc-8.2.2 has this
issue. A snippet of the logs in included below. 

I took the liberty of including Tamar on this since he is the known
Windows expert. Not having a local Window makes this really difficult
to debug.

Anyone have any solutions for this? I'm willing to backport patches
if needed.

I've managed to find a VirtualBox evaluation image on the Microsoft
site. Hopefully that will give me enough to debug this issue.


[01:27:27] --  While building custom Setup.hs for package csl-wallet-new-1.1.1 using:
[01:27:27]       C:\s\setup-exe-cache\x86_64-windows\Cabal-simple_Z6RU0evB_2.0.1.0_ghc-8.2.2.exe --builddir=.w\dist\5c8418a7 build lib:csl-wallet-new exe:cardano-node exe:csl-gen-swagger exe:csl-integ-test test:wallet-new-specs test:wallet-unit-tests --ghc-options " -ddump-hi -ddump-to-file"
[01:27:27]     Process exited with code: ExitFailure 1
[01:27:27]     Logs have been written to: C:\w\.w\logs\csl-wallet-new-1.1.1.log
[01:27:27]     Configuring csl-wallet-new-1.1.1...
[01:27:27]     Preprocessing library for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Building library for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Preprocessing test suite 'wallet-new-specs' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Building test suite 'wallet-new-specs' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Preprocessing executable 'cardano-node' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Building executable 'cardano-node' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Preprocessing executable 'csl-gen-swagger' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Building executable 'csl-gen-swagger' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Preprocessing test suite 'wallet-unit-tests' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Building test suite 'wallet-unit-tests' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Preprocessing executable 'csl-integ-test' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Building executable 'csl-integ-test' for csl-wallet-new-1.1.1..
[01:27:27]     Linking .w\dist\5c8418a7\build\csl-integ-test\csl-integ-test.exe ...
[01:27:27]     realgcc.exe: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
[01:27:27]     `gcc.exe' failed in phase `Linker'. (Exit code: 1)
[01:27:27] Command "call stack --dump-logs install cardano-sl cardano-sl-tools csl-wallet csl-wallet-new -j 2 --no-terminal --local-bin-path c:\w --test --no-haddock-deps --flag cardano-sl-core:-asserts --flag cardano-sl-tools:for-installer --flag csl-wallet:for-installer --extra-include-dirs="C:\OpenSSL-Win64-v102\include" --extra-lib-dirs="C:\OpenSSL-Win64-v102" --extra-include-dirs="C:\xz_extracted\include" --extra-lib-dirs="C:\xz_extracted\bin_x86-64" --extra-include-dirs="c:\w\rocksdb\include" --extra-lib-dirs="c:\w"" failed with exit code 1. Retrying 4 of 5

Erik de Castro Lopo

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