How to get a heap visualization

Ben Gamari ben at
Wed Sep 20 02:09:42 UTC 2017

Yitzchak Gale <gale at> writes:

> Joachim, first and foremost, thanks for the awesome libraries
> ghc-vis and ghc-heap-view.
> The design trade-offs for ghc-vis do make sense if you think of
> it as a didactic tool. But as a debugging tool, the most important
> factor is that it should "Just Work", with no big builds, no fiddling,
> no googling. When you reach for a debugging tool, you are
> *already* in a debugging situation; you don't have patience
> for also debugging the tool.
I should point out that there is a differential (D3055) by erikd from
earlier this year which folded ghc-heap-view into GHC. The goal was to
make heap-view a supported library which could be relied upon by third
party tools. As far as I can remember most of the hard work is done; it
just needed some finishing touches. Perhaps you would be interested in
picking it up?


- Ben

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