Accessing the "original" names via GHC API
Simon Peyton Jones
simonpj at
Wed Jan 25 08:46:07 UTC 2017
The TyCon has a Name (use tyConName to get it).
The Name has a Module and an OccName (use nameModule and nameOccName to get them)
The OccName has a string (occNameString)
The Module has a ModuleName and a Package.
All of these will give the “original-name” info, ignoring what’s in scope.
Does that help?
From: Glasgow-haskell-users [mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ranjit Jhala
Sent: 25 January 2017 00:09
To: glasgow-haskell-users at
Subject: Accessing the "original" names via GHC API
I'm quite vexed trying to do the following. Suppose I have a file:
module Foo
import qualified Data.Set as S
baz :: S.Set Int
baz = S.empty
My goal is to write a function
tyconString :: TyCon -> String
(perhaps with extra parameters) such that given the
`TyCon` corresponding to `Set`, I get back the "original"
name `S.Set`, or even `Data.Set.Set`.
Everything I've tried, which is fiddling with different variants of `PprStyle`, end up giving me `Data.Set.Base.Set`
Does anyone have a suggestion for how to proceed?
- Ranjit.
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