Rewrite rules

David Feuer david.feuer at
Mon Jan 16 12:18:27 UTC 2017

No. The part in quotes is the *name* of the rewrite rule, which is reported
to the user when GHC is called with things like -ddump-rule-rewrites and is
otherwise completely ignored.

On Jan 16, 2017 4:09 AM, "Erik de Castro Lopo" <mle+hs at> wrote:

Joachim Breitner wrote:

> very little. The best one can do right now is to know enough about Core
> and the inliner to predict when things are going to be inlined and when
> not, what else can go wrong (wrappers maybe?), add the necessary
> controls (`NOINLINE [0]` etc.), and then hope for the best. And track
> down any instances of failed rewriting that you learn about.
> You might also be able to set up your code so that it fails (at
> runtime, with error) if the desired rules did not fire. This would be
> nicer if we had
> You can also ask for review if it is public code.

Ok, I'm heading in this direction and then I figure out that the parser
for the rewrite rules doesn't even reject obvious syntax errors.

Say I have a data types:

    data Word128 = Word128 Word64 Word64

and inspired by the `fromIntegral` rules for Word64 I write:

    {-# RULES
    "fromIntegral/Word64->Word128"  fromIntegral = \w64 -> Word128 0 w64

all is fine and dandy. However if I introduce an obvious syntax error
like reversing the `->`:

    {-# RULES
    "fromIntegral/Word64<-Word128"  fromIntegral = \w64 -> Word128 0 w64

I don't get any warning or anything. I've read the docs for rewrite

but they are rather sparse and again are very short on guarantees.

Have I just managed to find myself a new project?

Erik de Castro Lopo
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