Why isn't this Overlapping?
Anthony Clayden
anthony_clayden at clear.net.nz
Tue Apr 18 11:24:53 UTC 2017
> On Tue Apr 18 10:31:30 UTC 2017, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
> Moreover, as discussed in the user manual section,
> GHC doesnt complain about overlapping instances at the
instance decl,
> but rather where the instances are used.
Thank you Simon, yes I knew that, so I'd written a usage
(just didn't bother putting it in the message ):
foo :: (TypeEq a a' b) => a -> a' -> String
foo _ _ = "blah"
x = foo 'c' "String"
> Thats why there is no overlap complaint here
I didn't get a complaint about `x`, contrary to what I
On trying again just now:
y = foo 'c' 'd'
GHC _does_ complain of overlap.
I apologise for the distraction.
>> On 18 April 2017 01:50, Iavor Diatchki wrote
>> these two instances really should be rejected as they
violate the FD of the class:
>> we can derive `TypeEq a a True` using the first instance
and `TypeEq a a False`
>> using the second one. Unfortunately, the check that we
are using
>> to validate FDs when `UndecidableInstances` is on,
>> is not quite correct (relevant tickets are #9210 and
>> where there are similar examples).
>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 12:13 AM, Anthony Clayden wrote:
>>> --ghc 7.10 or 8.0.1
>>> {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs,
>>> MultiParamTypeClasses,
>>> FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances,
>>> UndecidableInstances, NoOverlappingInstances
>>> class TypeEq a a' (b :: Bool) | a a' -> b
>>> instance (b ~ True) => TypeEq a a b
>>> instance (b ~ False) => TypeEq a a' b
>>> Those two instance heads are nearly identical,
>>> surely they overlap?
>> And for a type-level type equality test,
>>> they must be unifiable.
>>> But GHC doesn't complain.
>>> If I take off the FunDep, then GHC complains.
>>> AFAICT none of those extensions imply Overlaps,
>>> but to be sure I've put NoOverlapping.
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