Proposal: ArgumentDo

Sven Panne svenpanne at
Mon Jul 11 06:31:55 UTC 2016

2016-07-10 11:28 GMT+02:00 C Maeder <chr.maeder at>:

> [...] Why does an explicit infix operator make such a big difference for
> you?
>   (if c then f else g) $ if d then a else b
>   (if c then f else g)  if d then a else b
> [...]

Because at first glance, this is visually only a tiny fraction away from

   (if c then f else g)  it d them a elsa b

which would be parsed in a totally different way. (Personally, I think that
if/then/else is useless in Haskell and just a concession for readers from
other programming languages. Having a plain old "if" function would have
done the job in a more consistent way.) Of course syntax highlighting
improves readability here, but code should be easily digestible in black
and white, too. Visual clues matter...
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