error in 7.10.1 ?
Sergei Meshveliani
mechvel at
Fri May 22 11:26:22 UTC 2015
Dear GHC developers,
The confirmation token letter from the bug tracker travels too long, I
do not know, why.
Meanwhile I cannot report there.
So, I report it in the below way:
Make it, please, with ghc-7.10.1 as it is written there in
including making demotest/Main.
breaks in the middle reporting a DoCon application error
Factorization in K1[x], K1 a generic finite extension of a prime
field K = Z/(p) ..
factor f,
f = (x^10 + x^7 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + (2)*x+ (2)) <- K[x] =
((Z/<5>)["t"]/<(t^3 + 4*t + 3)>)["x"]
Domain term of K must contain a Finite field description.
I obtain this for ghc-7.10.1 made from source by ghc-7.8.2 on
Debian Linux,
x-86, 64 bit.
The story is as follows.
has been tested under ghc-7.8.2, and it works.
Now I am trying to port it to ghc-7.10.1.
This needs inserting certain pragmas for OVERLAPPING/OVERLAPPABLE into
some instance declarations.
So I call this port
docon-2.12.1. is the error report of docon-2.12.1
to ghc-7.10.1.
This application has the OVERLAPPABLE pragma set to one instance and the
OVERLAPPING pragma set to many instances.
GHC itself warns of overlaps. Then I
1) set the pragma to the reported instance (pair),
2) recompile the corresponding module
3) rerun
make configure; make build.
This process has finished in `making' the application.
> cd demotest
> ghc $doconCpOpt -O --make -rtsopts Main
> ./Main
produces the above error instead of the test success report.
I suspect that the reason is in treating the instance overlaps
(but there may be another source).
Comparing docon-2.12 + ghc-7.8.2
to 7.10.1-errReport-may22-201 + ghc-7.10.1,
can you, please, find: how to fix the latter version?
Is this a bug in ghc-7.10.1 ?
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