stream fusion, concatMap, exisential seed unboxing
Simon Peyton Jones
simonpj at
Mon Feb 2 14:48:54 UTC 2015
I think it'd help you to open a Trac ticket, give a fully-reproducible test case, including instructions for how to reproduce, and say what isn't happening that should happen.
What's odd is that loop_s29q looks strict in its Int arg, yet isn't unboxed. There is a way to get the strictness analysis to run twice -flate-dmd-anal. You could try that.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Glasgow-haskell-users [mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-
| bounces at] On Behalf Of Christian Höner zu Siederdissen
| Sent: 01 February 2015 12:18
| To: Glasgow-Haskell-Users
| Subject: stream fusion, concatMap, exisential seed unboxing
| Hi everybody,
| I'm playing around with concatMap in stream fusion (the vector package
| to be exact).
| concatMapM :: Monad m => (a->m (Stream m b)) -> Stream m a -> Stream m
| b concatMapM f (Stream ...) = ...
| I can get my concatMap to behave nicely and erase all Stream and Step
| constructors but due to the existential nature of the Stream seeds,
| they are re-boxed for the inner stream (which is kind-of annoying
| given that the seed is immediately unboxed again ;-). seq doesn't help
| here.
| Otherwise, fusion happens for streams and vectors, so that is ok. But
| boxing kills performance, criterion says.
| Do we have in place that could help here? Currently I could use
| the vector-concatMap which creates intermediate arrays, my version
| which has boxed seeds, or hermit but that is too inconvenient for non-
| ghc savy users.
| Viele Gruesse,
| Christian
| Fusing concatMapM:
| concatMapM f (SM.Stream ostep t _) = SM.Stream step (Left t) Unknown
| where step (Left t) = do r <- ostep t
| case r of
| SM.Done -> return $ SM.Done
| SM.Skip t' -> return $ SM.Skip (Left
| t')
| SM.Yield a t' -> do s <- f a
| return $ SM.Skip
| (Right (s,t'))
| step (Right (SM.Stream istep s _,t)) = do r <- istep s
| case r of
| SM.Done ->
| return $ SM.Skip (Left t)
| SM.Skip s' ->
| return $ SM.Skip (Right (SM.Stream istep s' Unknown,t))
| SM.Yield x s' ->
| return $ SM.Yield x (Right (SM.Stream istep s' Unknown,t))
| {-# INLINE [0] step #-}
| {-# INLINE [1] concatMapM #-}
| testConcatMapM :: Int -> Int
| testConcatMapM k = seq k $ U.unId
| . SM.foldl' (+) 0
| . concatMap (\i -> SM.enumFromTo 5 k)
| $ SM.enumFromTo 3 k
| {-# NOINLINE testConcatMapM #-}
| testConcatMapM
| testConcatMapM =
| \ k_aCA ->
| let! { I# ipv_s1xv ~ _ <- k_aCA } in ### inner loop
| letrec {
| $s$wfoldlM'_loop_s29q
| $s$wfoldlM'_loop_s29q =
| \ sc_s29i sc1_s29j sc2_s29k ->
| ### unboxing
| let! { I# x_a1LA ~ _ <- sc1_s29j } in
| case tagToEnum# (<=# x_a1LA ipv_s1xv) of _ {
| False -> $s$wfoldlM'_loop1_s29c sc_s29i sc2_s29k;
| True ->
| $s$wfoldlM'_loop_s29q
| ### reboxing
| (+# sc_s29i x_a1LA) (I# (+# x_a1LA 1)) sc2_s29k
| };
| ### outer loop
| $s$wfoldlM'_loop1_s29c
| $s$wfoldlM'_loop1_s29c =
| \ sc_s29a sc1_s29b ->
| case tagToEnum# (<=# sc1_s29b ipv_s1xv) of _ {
| False -> sc_s29a;
| True ->
| case tagToEnum# (<=# 5 ipv_s1xv) of _ {
| False -> $s$wfoldlM'_loop1_s29c sc_s29a (+# sc1_s29b
| 1); ### boxed seed (I# 6)
| True -> $s$wfoldlM'_loop_s29q (+# sc_s29a 5) (I# 6)
| (+# sc1_s29b 1)
| }
| }; } in
| let! { __DEFAULT ~ ww_s20G <- $s$wfoldlM'_loop1_s29c 0 3 } in
| I# ww_s20G
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