Odd FFI behavior

Michael Jones mike at proclivis.com
Wed Aug 13 15:12:35 UTC 2014


Thanks, this solved the problem.

I would like to know more about what the signals are doing, and what am I giving up by disabling them?

My hope is I can then go back to the dll expert and ask why this is causing their library a problem and try to see if they can solve the problem from their end, etc.


On Aug 12, 2014, at 11:04 PM, Donn Cave <donn at avvanta.com> wrote:

> ...
>> Because the failures are not general in that they target one
>> particular value, and seem to be affected by time, it makes me
>> wonder if there is some subtle Haskell run time issue. Like,
>> could the garbage collector be interacting with things?
>> Does anyone have an idea what kind of things to look for?
> Sure - not that I have worked out in any detail how this would
> do what you're seeing, but it's easy to do and often enough
> works.
> Compile with RTS options enabled and invoke with RTS option -V0.
> That will disable the runtime internal timer, which uses signals.
> The flood of signals from this source can interrupt functions
> that aren't really designed to deal with that, because in a more
> normal context they don't have to.
> 	Donn

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